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Thursday, September 15, 2022

10 Ridiculously Simple Ways for Construction Companies to improve LinkedIn and Marketing!

Many construction companies think they don't need marketing - clients already know them, they have enough jobs, they have been operating the same way for years, and it works well... why change? Why now?

That's not true. Many new, young and innovative companies are appearing, and that number will only increase with old-school boomer companies being acquired by new younger-more online savvy owners.

Here's why you should stop sleeping on marketing:

1. Marketing can help a construction company build a brand and grow its customer base.

2. Marketing can help a construction company attract and retain talented employees.

3. Marketing can help a construction company improve its reputation and visibility.

4. Marketing can help a construction company increase sales and profits.

5. Construction is a long-term business.

6. The construction industry is cyclical.

7. Construction is complex.

8. Construction companies need to keep up with trends.

80-90% of buying decisions start by searching for products or services online. If you are not working on your online presence, you will have difficulty staying competitive.

Here are 10 tips that are doable (we always optimize our clients' time) and effective for any construction business.

1. Ask your current and previous clients for an online review.

"Over 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much or more than they would trust a word-of-mouth review" 1

Online reviews are modern-day Word of Mouth marketing. Having a review or testimonial from your clients will surely attract prospective clients.

Aside from the fact that it boosts your business' reputation & trust, it actually influences other people's buying habits.

Shoppers are likely to spend around 31% more on products and services that have excellent reviews. 2

So, make sure you have these testimonials everywhere,  be it on your website, Facebook, & Instagram.

But the best platform to have these reviews is your Google My Business account. That way, when people search for your business, they will see all your previous clients' sentiments.

2. Consistently share on Social Media platforms.

One thing that business people should do right now is to be active on social media.

Social Media plays an important role in spreading the word about your business. It can be time-consuming but it is relatively cheaper than traditional marketing.

But this doesn't mean you will be on social media just for the sake of being there. There are things to consider about it to help your business be successful.

Be active on the right social media platform.

Being on all social media will stress you more than it will help you. You need to choose at least 1-2 platforms to focus on instead of being everywhere.

You would rather stand out on one or two platforms than be mediocre on all platforms. Establishing your business on a few platforms will make you memorable.  

You need to know where your ideal clients are to choose the right platform for you.

For example.  

If your ideal clients are businessmen aged 30–55 years old who own a start-up, then you should be on LinkedIn instead of Snapchat. 3


Because LinkedIn is where these people are most likely to be hanging out. So, you are putting your business right in front of your prospective clients.

3. Boost your content marketing with different types of posts.

Now that you know which platform to focus on, you need to produce content for them to see.

Make content that targets their pain points so you can attract them to check out your services. Aside from that, you need to mix it up a bit by providing them with different types of posts.

Show the before and after of your construction projects.

By showing pictures of before and after, prospective clients can see your quality of work. It will also help them visualize what services you can offer.

Give current industry insights.

Every now and then, there are news and updates in your niche and industry. By giving your opinion or insight about it, you are putting your business name into the conversation.

Put up a blog about your niche.

70% of people prefer to get information from blogs than regular advertisements. 4

Publishing a blog will help you position your business as a resource. Thus, people will see you as an authority figure in the industry.

It will increase the traffic to your website and help your business get noticed on the Google result page. It helps boost your SEO, so the algorithm pushes it towards a bigger audience. Bumping your website to the top of the results.

Experiment with different types of posts.

Social media differs in the type of post that the algorithm favors.

For example,

Instagram now favors short-form videos or reels by pushing them to larger audiences.

If you want to grow your Instagram account and reach more people, you need to focus on this type of content. Otherwise, you might not be using the platform to its fullest potential.

4. Humanize your business.

People want to know who is behind the business. This is something that most brands forget. People love to connect with other people.

When shared by employees, marketing messages reach 561% more people than by the brand itself. This is because people are more likely to trust other people than a faceless company. 5

So you should start by introducing your team to your audience/clients. You can do this by posting pictures of them, anecdotes, stories, and more.

Show authenticity.

People are tired of seeing brands that are not genuine. Those that are more focused on selling their products/services instead of caring for their clients.

92% of marketers claim that brand authenticity is essential to their brands. Being authentic is key to separating your brand from competitors. 6

People can sniff out if you are faking it. Just be real and genuine. Be true to who your brand is.

5. Invest in email marketing.

Email marketing is 40x more effective at gaining customers than Facebook and Twitter combined. 7

Email marketing is more than just getting new clients. It can also keep your existing clients and turn them into repeat customers.

Sending a series of emails to your potential clients will help them learn more about your services. It is a way for your business to connect with your audience, promote your brand, and increase sales. Through the email series, you are guiding them through the stages of the marketing funnel.

While sending emails to your existing clients is a way of keeping in touch with them. Keep them updated with all the new things your business is offering.

6. A case study about your clients can boost your credibility.

Case studies are the best tool you can use in selling your service. Why? It speaks directly to your potential clients and grabs their attention.

It is a way to prove that your service works. It shows that you can and will deliver the value that you promised.

Crafting a case study is like retelling a story of all the hurdles a business overcame with your help. This, in turn, will build up your credibility as a service provider and increase the client's trust.

Check here our own case study for a 60-year-old construction company who went from ZERO to having an established online presence in 6 months.

7. Advertise your business by adding brand decal on your company cars

As a construction company, you are most likely to have a company car or truck to use when going to clients' places.

Now, why not use that opportunity to promote your business?

Adding a brand decal to your car is like having a billboard on wheels.

Your brand gets exposed to everyone on the streets without costing too much money. For sure, some of them will reach out to you whenever they need your service.

8. Don't underestimate the power of flyers.

45% of respondents regularly keep flyers for future reference. 7

Flyers are one of the highly effective traditional marketing tools. As a construction business, you can use this opportunity to showcase your work. It's like a mini portfolio full of pictures and information.

You can use it in different ways. You can promote your store opening, a new service, a promotion, etc.  

Flyers provide you an opportunity to pitch your service and give your customers your contact information.

People remembered the brand because they have something tangible to connect with.

Incorporating this into your marketing strategy will increase sales if done right.

9. Network with people in your industry.

Connect to other professionals within and outside of your industry by networking. You can connect to professionals and industry leaders through LinkedIn or you can go to networking events.

Although this can be time-consuming, it is a great way to build a relationship and partnership with fellow businessmen. Often, this results in new ideas about your industry and client referrals.

10. Be at conferences, be a speaker.

Speaking at a conference, podcast, or YouTube would be the fastest way to spread your words and business.

It is ideal to do both local and national events and expos as they have different reach.

Another good way is to partner with different homeowners associations and do a talk in their community. You can educate them about the day-to-day things that affect their home and how to avoid it. It is an excellent opportunity to talk directly to your potential clients.

Position your business as their go-to expert on construction needs.


The lesson here is that you can shift your business and propel it to growth with the right marketing.

You don't really need to spend that much money. All you need is time, knowledge, and expertise to grow your company. You need to have a strategy, figure out your goals, and persevere. You won't get instant results. Marketing is a long-term commitment.

Of course, you don't need to do all these things at once. You can focus on one thing you can do right now, start, and commit to it.


Mhai Bernales

Mhai is Floriddia's Personal Assistant. She recently shifted her career to marketing and currently exploring content creation, lead generation, and email marketing.