After reading this article you will understand why some companies excel and others fail to attract and convert their target customers.
Achieving great prosperity at writing shares one similar aspect as being successful in life: navigating your focus on one thing at a time.
One Idea, One simple promise, One compelling story (if possible), One core emotion and call to One specific action are the five main components of “The Rule of One” created by Michael Masterson.
Core of this strategy is client oriented simplicity during communication that can be applied to writing emails, blog posts, articles or ads.
– Michael Masterson states in his study.
People might assume that the higher word count the copy consists of the more effective the message will be, however, in real life it could be just the opposite. Think of hashtags, they are only single words although carrying significant meaning, just as the saying goes “It takes few words to tell the truth.”
Simplicity is the key for clients to understand your brand the way you want it to be perceived.
As an example, think of Nike or McDonalds, their short slogans speak a thousand words and the CocaCola Christmas song compelling by a simple phrase makes millions of people express the same emotion of joy.
Call it magic?
No, it is just as simple as not overthinking it. Same applies to your headings, mails, articles and ads.
Michael Masterson believes that copywriting skills can be mastered to achieve higher turnover rates in your company by practicing and learning from good examples.
Good practice makes perfection and perfection makes six figures companies but there is a twist.
As you would not be able to build a relationship with an unknown person, this strategy cannot be simply automated or made through templates since it requires research data on your client.